Le donne nei meccanismi istituzionali della salute mentaleWomen in the Institutional Mechanisms of Mental Health
Meeting with Assunta Signorelli, author of the book "Practicing the difference - women, psychiatry and power"
Participating: Assunta Signorelli (psychiatrist), girls and boys of the former OPG with Renate Siebert (sociologist, Univ. of Calabria), Novella Formisani (psychiatrist), Sylva d'Amato (Ph.D., Univ. Federico II), Teresa Capacchione (President of Association Sergio Piro).
Intervention of Il giardino liberato di Materdei. Introduction by Giovanni Carbone (Human Rights Film Festival).
Moderator: Dario Stefano Aquila (journalist and writer).
Projection of images of the former Psychiatric Institute “Papa Giovanni XXIII”of Serra d'Aiello.